?We will gather in a lovely remote forest next to a beautiful castle in the saxonian no man’s land. All the facilities will be outdoors, including showers, sauna and kitchen. Also bring your own tent and beware of the neighbor’s cows;) The only indoor space is the dance floor. We will share the space with the residents of the castle and the beautiful old trees and wildlife around us. Therefore we are mindful of the space and want to respect our hosts. Our goal for this event is to make it as green as possible. So to all artists and those who want to be some: Please try using as little resources as possible and materials we can find in nature over there. We have a tab in the Mastersheet „things we need/ things we can bring“ in order to prevent buying things new or double, let’s see what we already have and who might need it. (Also you can find the shift plan there ? https://docs.google.com/…/1crhF1eVxWKIXs92pcQ…/edit… Anyone feel like decorating the toilets? We have a bunch of compost toilets that are great but a little boring. Maybe someone feels like making the place where magic happens, magical? Need inspiration? Check out the pics of this beautiful space!